Infoworld Bossie Awards

Infoworld Bossie Awards are given to the best open source software in various categories. The first of these awards was announced in September 2007, and were given to 36 software applications across 6 categories. The software was adjudged by the Infoworld editors and reviewers.

Open source software awards

Award 2007 Winner 2008 Winner 2009 Winner 2010 Winner
Enterprise Applications
Customer Relationship Management SugarCRM SugarCRM SugarCRM SugarCRM
Enterprise Resource Planning Openbravo ERP Compiere Compiere and
Openbravo ERP
Openbravo ERP
Enterprise Portal Liferay Portal Liferay Portal
Web Publishing and Document Management Alfresco Alfresco Drupal Alfresco, Drupal, and LogicalDOC
Search Engine Apache Solr
Blog Publishing and Content Management WordPress WordPress
Mail and Collaboration Scalix
IM Server Jabber
Streaming Media / Conferencing Dimdim
Project Management dotProject
Business Process Management Intalio BPM Intalio BPM Intalio BPM
Business Intelligence Pentaho BI Suite Jaspersoft BI Suite and
Pentaho BI Suite
Pentaho BI Suite
e-Commerce Magento Magento
Web Analytics Piwik
VoIP Telephony Asterisk Asterisk Kamailo
Streaming Media Azureus Vuze
Directory Services Open Directory
System Administration and Configuration Management Puppet RANCID, Webmin, and Puppet
System Cloning FOG
Network Protocol Analysis Wireshark Wireshark
Wireless Sniffer / Scanner Kismet inSSIDer
Log File Analyzer AWStats
Network Monitoring and Management Zenoss Core OpenNMS OpenNMS
Network Access Control PacketFence
Application & System Monitoring Hyperic HQ Hyperic HQ
Server Monitoring Nagios Nagios
Monitoring and Graphing Cacti Cacti
Wireless Network Interface NDISwrapper
IT Service Management OTRS
Security Networking (cont.)
Network Vulnerability Assessment Nessus
Intrusion Prevention/Detection Snort Snort
Anti-virus ClamAV
Anti-spam Spamassassin
Network Firewall IPCop SmoothWall Express IPCop
Application Firewall SELinux AppArmor
Router, Firewall, and VPN OpenVPN Vyatta Vyatta Vyatta
Security testing best practices OSSTMM
Penetration toolkit Metasploit
Password Utility Ophcrack KeePass
Security Log File Analyzer Splunk
Disk encryption TrueCrypt
Gateway security Untangle Untangle
Platforms & Middleware
Server OS CentOS CentOS
Desktop OS Ubuntu Ubuntu
Mobile OS Android
Small-footprint OS Puppy Linux
Hypervisor and Server Virtualization Xen Xen Xen
Linux Virtualization with Containers OpenVZ OpenVZ
Virtualization Platform Running on a Host OS VirtualBox VirtualBox VirtualBox and KVM
Appliance Platform TurnKey Linux Virtual Appliance Library
Web Application Server JBoss Seam
Web Server, Proxy, and Cache Apache nginx nginx
Database, SQL MySQL MySQL Infobright Community Edition (ICE)
Database, NoSQL Cassandra
Enterprise Service Bus MuleSource JBossESB Mule ESB
Middleware and SOA Platform WSO2 Carbon WSO2 Carbon
MySQL Administration phpMyAdmin
Data Integration Talend Open Studio Talend Open Studio, Talend Open Profiler, and Talend MDM
Data Migration Jitterbit Integration Server Jitterbit Integration Server
Software development
IDE and Software Platform NetBeans NetBeans
Rich Internet Application Development OpenLaszlo Adobe Flex Builder Ext JS and Ext GWT
AJAX Toolkit Tibco General Interface
Continuous Integration Server CruiseControl
Object Database db4o
Distributed Version Control and Source Management Git Git
Web client library HttpClient WebKit
Multi-core programming Intel Threading Building Blocks
Distributed applications and data Hadoop and Hadoop Hive Hadoop
Business rule management system JBoss Drools Drools
Cross-platform .NET Framework Mono
JavaScript Library Prototype JavaScript Framework jQuery jQuery and Ext Core
Web Services and Applications Development soapUI Eclipse Web Services Tools Zend Framework
Web Applications Development for Mobile Devices jQTouch and Sencha Touch
Cross-browser Tool Browsershots
Collaborative Data Library OpenStreetMap
Programming Language, general Go and JRuby
Programming Language, statistical computing and graphics R
File system Zettabyte File System (ZFS)
NAS Server FreeNAS FreeNAS Openfiler FreeNAS
Storage Networking AoE Tools
Best block I/O tool Iometer
Best file I/O tool IOzone
Network backup Amanda
Online backup Free Online Backup
File management WinMerge
Disk monitoring Smartmontools
Storage administration StorageIM
Collaboration and Groupware
Social Networking Elgg
Wiki MediaWiki Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
Mail and calendar Scalix
Remote Control VNC
Blog Publishing WordPress WordPress
Productivity Apps
Sound Editing Audacity
3-D Modelling Blender
Web browser Firefox
Image Editing GIMP
Productivity Suite
PDF Creation PDFCreator
